Bad Girls Mermaid Perfumes Rule the Waves—- Part I —- “Riviera Lazuli” Atelier des Ors

Ahoy, Mates, Bad Girls Mermaid Perfume, Riviera Lazuli, coming along starboard ! ©Sarah Colton
Ahoy, Mates! Bad Girls Mermaid fragrance GIVEAWAY on the horizon!
(See how to qualify below)
Ah, the magic of perfume! Not even Covid-19 travel restrictions can stop it. When the spirit moves, the faithful pick up the vibes, and even those of us who’ve kept faithful watch from our bathtubs, showers, patio pools, and neighborhood piscines — miles and MILES from the nearest beach — — have felt the irresistible lure of Bad Girl Mermaid perfumes.
Case in point: Bad Girls Mermaid Perfume, Riviera Lazuli, by Atelier des Ors has been riding such a GIANT wave up and down the French Côte d’Azur ever since her launch in September last year, that it carried her all the way to tiles of my Parisian bathroom and the shelves of Jovoy Parfums Rares in Paris.
Hope you enjoy the clip on my website (link in bio) about this amazing fragrance from a totally ‘on the fly’ interview with Jean-Philippe Clermont, whom I just happened to bump into last September in Cannes during TFWA.
xxx Sarah and the Bad Girl Mermaids
Here’s WHAT you can WIN
1. A 100 ml bottle of eau de parfum Riviera Lazuli by Atelier des Ors generously offered by @francoishenin and @jovoyparis ;
2. FIVE SIGNED copies of my book, Bad Girls Perfume, full of tips and tales about how to get whatEVER you want through the power of perfume, and an entire section devoted to Bad Girls Mermaid Fragrances.
Here’s HOW to qualify:
*Follow me on Instagram and or LinkedIn @sarahcolton2020 AND @badgirlsperfume;
*Leave a comment and tag 3 people.
INCREASE your chances to win (1 comment on this website counts Twice as much as a comment on Instagram).
1.Which iconic Beautiful people, in addition to those mentioned by Jean-Phillippe , do you most associate with the aura of La Côte d’Azur?
2 What are your favorite Cote d’Azur Bad Girl Perfume memories (real or imagined)?
3. Other? I’d love to hear a Mermaid Perfume scandal !
Happy Ending: As a reward to Candy, my Unicorn floatie, for helping me find ‘Riviera Lazuli’ in my Parisian bathroom, I brought her to a REAL swimming pool near Burgundy. Although miles and nautical MILES away from the Côte d’Azur, we’re both very happy to float in the blue water and dream our ‘Riviera Lazuli’ Bad Girl Mermaid Perfume dreams…
Ahoy, Mates! Nothing like a classy fragrance and a beautiful bottle in the hands of a handsome Frenchman with a drop-dead accemt, to get fragrance lovers’ juices going!
Even before most of you got a whiff of Atelier des Ors’ Riviera Lazuli’s fragrance — with her fresh sea breeze over citrus, floral, and teakwood notes — the deep blue color of her bottle and the sight of the golden flaked juice inside was all it took for you to dive into your memories, dreams, and fantasies of the sparking water of the Mediterranean Sea.
Ah, Riviera Lazuli. A Bad Girls Mermaid fragrance par excellence !
AND IT GETS BETTER. In a joyous response to your enthusiastic participation, there are TWO perfume awards in this give-away. TWO 100 ml bottles of eau de parfum ‘Riviera Lazuli’ by Atelier des Ors. One, offered by @francoisheninjovoy, and the other by Jean-Philippe Clermont owner of @atelierdesors. And, of course, numerous copies of BGP. YAY!!
The 2 lucky perfume winners are:
2.Danu Seith-Fyr @ode_r_
Additionally, there are 10 lucky winners of signed copies of my book, Bad Girls Perfume.
1.Jon Snow @scentedsnowdrops
2.Wearescentient @Wearescentient
3.Cynthia @thefragrantjourney
4.Damiana Chiavolini @isniffbeforeisleep
5.Cosmetiqua @Cosmetiqua
6.Despina Veneti @DespinaVeneti
7.Marie Woodward @mariewoodard
8.Mia @fabtrends_mia
9.Olga @Perfumedaze – (For founding the “Candy the Perfume Sniffing Unicorn Fan Club”
10.Roxana @thechyprelover (For generously offering to adopt Candy the perfume sniffing Unicorn so she doesn’t have to live cooped up in my shower.)
Please send me ( your mailing addresses so I can send you your awards, and if you are outside the EU please include your telephone number.
Thanks to ALL of you for sharing your comments. Clearly, the French Côte d’Azur has a CENTRAL place in all of our hearts and imaginations. Indeed, whether through fragrances, art, music, cinema, or literature, we all spend A LOT of time on la Côte d’Azur, if not in person, in our imaginations. And Riviera Lazuli does one hell of a job joggling our memories!
Hands down, Alfred Hitchcock’s 1955 suspense thriller “To Catch a Thief”, exquisitely filmed in Technicolor on the French Riviera was most often mentioned among you as capturing the dream of ‘Riviera Lazuli’. Some combination of the breathtaking beauty of La Côte d’Azur, the sex appeal and glamour of Grace Kelly and Cary Grant, or the thought of speeding along la corniche road from Cannes to Monaco in a powder blue Sunbeam Alpine Roadster convertible, was more than enough to carry most of us W-A-Y over the edge.
You also mentioned Brigitte Bardot, St. Tropez, James Bond, Alain Delon and Romy Schneider in “La Piscine”, Audrey Tatou in “Priceless”, as well as a fabulous array of cult figures from all the arts — painters, musicians, actors, writers, and literary characters. All those cultural myths are circulating in our blood like some kind of powerful cocktail. We feel it. It makes us who we are. Makes us do the things we do.
For this reason, it’s not surprising that some of you even mentioned us, — the artistic niche fragrance community — as contemporary bearers of the myth when we gather in the glamorous apartments and yachts along la croissette for perfume salons.
Oh yes, and some of you even came out and admitted that you are, in fact, mermaids or mermen, and recounted fantastical dream-like experiences as such. Believe me, friends, I GET it, which surely explains my obsession with Bad Girl Mermaid fragrances. If you have a mermaid’s tail you inevitably end up loving and telling mermaid tales.
Getting to know you, your dreams, memories, writing styles, personalities, and quirks – all through the power of perfume, has made me really happy. One of the miracles of social media is that even during times of separation, uncertainty, and fearfulness, we can virtually support and inspire each other through shared stories and dreams.
I’ve listed AND LIGHTLY EDITED, some of my favorite quotes from your comments below. Enjoy!
Until next time, stay safe, well perfumed, in touch, and, by all means, BAD!
XxxSarah and the Bad Grrrs @badgirlsperfume
Favorite Quotes:
- Editor’s note: How I love the good heartedness and generous nature of our community!
Jon Snow @scentedsnowdrops and a winner of my most recent perfume give-away says, “Sarah, don’t enter me in this one….I have to be fair….I am in love with Jean-Philippe’s accent….am picturing Sean Connery as Bond …sipping beautiful French wine in a plaid white suit in the 60s basking in the beautiful Mediterranean Air and French accents, eating my body weight in French desserts…”
2.Cynthia @thefragrantjourney
Editor’s note: for the book worms among you.
“…I associate Grace Kelly with the Cote d’Azur, especially after reading the book “Meet Me In Monaco” last summer. … love the blue perfume with the gold flecks!.”
3.Damiana Chiavolini|
Editor’s Note: Daniana was born in Italy, raised in Italy and the UK, currently living in the US.
“Audrey Tatou in “Priceless” [is] the perfect glamorous “bad” girl who loves to have a good time.”
“…Spent my honeymoon on the Cote d’Azur…”
Editor’s note: Hummm. Wondering which Bad Girl inspired the other first?
4. Wearescentient @wearescentient
Editor’s Note: This quotes comes part way through a hilarious comment.
When referring to an after dinner hotel room scene in “To Catch a Thief” in which the character played by Grace Kelly is “spying” on the character played by Cary Grant, “…All innuendo is out the window, and I have a funny feeling that’s the night she saw one of the Riviera’s most fascinating sights…”
And later in same comment:
“….Hmm did I ever tell you about my affair with a pretty mermaid? Siren of the sea? well that’s the kind of juice one keeps bottled up, as a gent never tells…”
Editor’s pleading Note: Could you maybe just tell us at least some of it? Perhaps, with a few name changes?
5.Danu Seith-Fyr @ode_r_
Editor’s note: Be warned. Danu is a transplanted New Zealander and has been know to hang out with fellow countrywoman and notorious Bad Girl Mermaid, Megan Paki, aka @meganinsaintemaximes.
“….…Abiding memories… of my days on the Cote d’Azur, living in the old town of Nice, walking the coast, sunbathing to the sound of the cigale and the rising scents of the Côte,…Along secret coastal paths between Nice and Cap Ferrat, diving into clear, pristine cobalt heaven… swimming in pristine waters…The scent of the sea on heated bronze skin remains with me still….”
“A memory of my days as a body surfer, sometimes naked!! Happily playing in the waves in a beautiful cove, water as clear as crystal, and around the headland come 20 or so jet-skiers, all male. After a few discreet smiles, this mermaid dove under and swam away to a more sheltered site.…”. Danu
6 Cosmetiqua|
Editor’s note:the cultural historian speaks.
“…Honestly, I think the perfume crowd descending from all over the world to Cannes is one of the most glamorous occasions there. Work at day, party at night! Hope it’s back on next year!”
“…Cruising to Cannes down the highway all the way from Italy, passing Monaco and Nice and settling in in Le Majestic, than taking Bad Girl’s Perfume book down to the pool to read while also keeping track of all the cool people coming and going. Would love to do that right now! Editor’s note: Totally agree!
7.Despina @DespinaVeneti
“…The fragrance sounds exactly like what I’ve been missing for the last two years: a vacation in the Mediterranean…. Having been born and raised there, I’ve been missing it on an almost existential level….”
“… [Need to live]…a really juicy bad girl perfume story with you..[soon]!
Editor’s Note: You’re ON!
8 Natalia Alaimo| @natlovemoon
Editor’s note: This one’s totally surreal, written in a dreamy ‘stream of consciousness’ style.
“… What we did together, yes, you were there with us… we got together with Jean-Philippe Clermont ..….He let us smell “Riviera Lazuli” and all best fragrances by Atelier Des Ors in gorgeous blue bottles with golden sparkling flakes inside……heaven for Mermaids ! It’s a treasure. [Meanwhile,] we had portrait painted by Cezanne … and dinner… with Brigitte Bardot… in the best restaurant, with bouillabaisse.,,.and the best champagne… And after dinner we went dancing! In the end, and it’s no secret, we all girls went swimming under the full moon and sparkling stars where we become real Mermaids! That was the best day in my life! ”
9.Marie @mariewoodard
“…Dreamy! Will be thinking of Côte d’Azur and “Riviera Lazuli” while floating in my own aquamarine heaven under a sky tousjours bleu many, many miles (nautical & otherwise) away.”
Editor’s note: W-A-Y too many miles. Sniff, sniff.
Candy the Unicorn Floatie Fan Club News
Who knew ? Though it’s not surprising that people would fall in love with Candy, my pet unicorn. She’s such a sweetheart, lives in my bathroom, is always in a good mood, and up for adventure. In addition to always making me laugh and feel happy, she she helps me discover new Bad Girls Mermaid fragrances! In fact, Candy and I were already having fun in the shower that day, when ‘Riviera Lazuli’ rode in on a giant wave all the way from the Côte dAzur and landed with a clink beside the sink. It totally made our day!
It didn’t take long for @perfumedaze to pick up on Candy’s vibes and declared that she needed a unicorn pool floatie like Candy too. She even went as far as to declare that… “Candy is my hero!”
Not long thereafter, @thechyprelover clearly moved by humanitarian motives and pity at the idea of Candy being squashed in such a small space as my shower, offerd to rescue him/her. Though the terms of the deal have yet to be solidified, Candy is totally enthusiastic about idea of being ‘rescued’.
Meanwhile, in latest developments, far from the paparazzi of Cote d’Azur, Candy took a short holiday in Burgundy and – found true love!! Ah, yes, Candy met Rosa, a pink flamingo floatie. They spent a blissful honeymoon together at the Hotel Castel Tres Girard Saint Dominique, and are now the proud parents of Cindy and Rosie.
Guess who the godmother is?
Cautionary tale:
Rescue of Unicorn floatie and tiny mistress from the sea off the cost of Antirion, Greece (Gulf of Corinth).
Though docile and well intentioned, unicorn and pink flamingo floaties have been known to become disorientated, and carried out to sea by wayward winds and currents — Especially, when in the company of the young at heart, perhaps searching for Bad Girls Mermaid perfumes.
Amid so much depressing news these days, I wanted to share this video and its happy ending, thanks to the coordinated efforts of a community in action. It totally lifted my spirits. Gotta say, I admire the self possession this little 4 year old girl seems to possess. So glad she’s back safely with her parents. Maybe she’ll grow up to be a mermaid!
Start watching video at 00:34. Here’s the video
Leave a Comment
Sarah, love the furry mic and the music was good. Don’t enter me in this one 🙂 I have to be fair. But lovely interview. I am in love with his accent. For some reason I’m picturing Sean Connery as Bond in the French Rivera and that would definitely be my imagined memory, sipping beautiful French wine in a plaid white suit in the 60s basking in the beautiful Mediterranean Air and French accents, eating my body weight in French desserts ❤️ love these little things you do 😁
Hi, I’m happy to discover your blog here. The interview was very cool. I would associate Grace Kelly with the Cote d’Azur, especially after reading the book “Meet Me In Monaco” last summer. I was in Nice and Cannes a couple of years ago and loved it! And I love the blue perfume with the gold flecks!
I enjoyed this post and I had already visited your blog. Very nice! I associate the Riviera with Audrey Tatou in Priceless. She’s the perfect glamorous “bad” girl who loves to have a good time. I have fond memories of my honeymoon in the Cote d’Azur; we stayed in Nice, which always felt very quaint but still familiar. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to win!
Ah summers on La Côte d’Azur as the sun goes down Cary Grant is coming up on LSD under his “doctors” supervision, where he finds such elegant & half naked doctors only Cary knows, but the rumba is putting the swing in everything. Grace Kelly is looking on in a Hitchcockian way, noting down all of Grant’s moves, knowing the enemy is the best way to catch a thief. All innuendo is out the window and I have a funny feeling thats the night she saw one of the Rivieras most fascinating sights…
The next morning Serge & Jane are getting cosy in a corner working on their new song about love, I’m sure Brigitte Bardot was giving the evil eye to Jane & Serge from her boat as she left for her private island…
Hmm did I ever tell you about my affair with a pretty mermaid? Siren of the sea? well thats the kind of juice one keeps bottled up, as a gent never tells 😉
Dear Sarah, thank you for this opportunity, loved the jingle and the video. So nice to see Jean-Philippe and this trio of perfumes are all fantastic.
for me I have a very strong association with the late but immortal Princess Grace of Monaco and the movie with Cary Grant of course, in that fabulous sports car.
Abiding memory too of my days on the Cote d’Azur, living in the old town of Nice, walking the coast, sunbathing to the sound of the cigale and the rising scents of the Cote, swimming in pristine waters.
A memory of my days as a body surfer, sometimes naked!! happily playing in the waves in a beautiful cove, water as clear as crystal and around the headland come 20 or so jetskiers, all male. After a few discreet smile, this mermaid dove under and swam away to a more sheltered site.
wishing you a beautiful French summers day…. Danu
Fun little interview!! Honestly, I think the perfume crowd descending from all over the world to Cannes is one of the most glamorous occasions there. Work at day, party at night! Hope it’s back on next year!
Thank you for this delightful video and piece, dear Sarah!
The fragrance sounds exactly like what I’ve been missing for the last two years: a vacation in the Mediterranean. Having been born and raised there, I’ve been missing it on an almost existential level. As for Côte d’Azur in particular, like the friends above, I associate it with Hitchcock’s “To Catch a Thief” (along with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly, the locations are the film’s third protagonist), and also with Brigitte Bardot spending her summers in Saint-Tropez in the ’60s and’ 70s,”Bonjour Tristesse” (both the book, and the film), Jeanne Moreau walking along La Promenade des Anglais in “Baie des Anges”, Alain Delon and Romy Schneider in “La Piscine”, as well as the impossibly fabulous people that have walked along La Croisette during the Cannes Film Festival over the decades. I hope to visit Côte d’Azur myself some time soon, and then share a really juicy bad girl perfume story with you. Thank you for the beautiful gift, and love to all.
Dear Sarah thank you for your positive adventures spirit, we need it this days! I appreciate your video, interesting interview with Jean Philippe Clermont, lovely music and fun Giveaway .
I want to share my immaginary one day dream vacation 2020 with you, because: why not?!!!
We was in Beautiful France to be exact in Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur, French Riviera where we had nice dinner with BRIDGITT BARDOT,get portrait painted by famous Cezanne, sing together with Mireille Mathieu, get together with Jean Philippe Clermont at Jovoy and spent time trying all best fragragrances by Atelier Des Ors 💙, love those Perfumes especially “Riviera Lazuli” in gorgeous Blu bottle with golden sparkling flakes inside, real treat for Bad Girls Mermaids. After all we was swimming in the Mediterranean Sea at night under full moon and sparkling Stars! It was my best Bad Girls Mermaids Fragragrances vacation and I thank you Sarah for this 💙. Natlovemoon 🙋
Thank you, Sarah Colton…Dreamy! Will be thinking of Cote d’azur and “Riviera Lazuli” while floating in my own aquamarine heaven under a sky toujours bleu many, many miles (nautical & otherwise)away.