BANDIT by Robert Piguet Parfums
It’s September. I’m wearing Bandit, by Robert Piguet Parfums. Might as well tell you up front. Bandit TRANSFORMED my life when we first crossed pa […]
Why Did People Come to Pitti Fragranze 2021 ?
In this series of flash interviews filmed on location at Pitti Fragranze 2021 Stazione Leopolda in Florence, Italy, I asked a dozen or so brand owners […]
Spring Fever and L’EAU DE TAÏPI by Jardins D’Écrivains
L’EAU DE TAÏPI Exotic Water Body Splash Cologne by Jardins D’Écrivains.
The perfect antidote for “Spring Fever” and the Late-Winter Blues […]Anais Biguine, Art Imitating Life Imitating Art, Bad Girls Perfume, Bad Girls Perfume One-Woman-Show, Body Splash Cologne, COVID-19, Exotic Water, Fragrance, Fragrance Analysis, François Hénin, Herman Melville, Jovoy, L’EAU DE TAÏPI, Maison Jardins d'Ecrivains, Niche Fragrance, Paris, Perfume Literature, Spring Fever, Transformational Fragrance, Videos
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