Challenges. Challenges. IF Bad Girls are good at anything it’s using the power of perfume to turn challenges to their advantage
As you might recall from a previous post and video, “Social Distancing – Part I – The 6-Foot Challenge” the LOUD, Predatory, and Stealthy fragrances Bad Girls Perfume recommended for 6-foot seduction missions were so successful that in at least one case we had to deploy a fragrance “equivalent of MACE”.
Now, two months later, contrary to what we had all hoped, Covid-19 does NOT show signs of going away any time soon, and the scientific community continues to urge us to exercise extreme vigilance, i.e., limit travel away from our homes, wash our hands frequently with soap and water, and when away from home, continue to observe social distancing, wear masks, and use hand gels.
The silver lining is that Bad Girls Perfume has been testing ways to do all of this, i.e., stay safe at home AND accomplish our Perfume seduction goals !
Can we handle a 30-Foot Challenge ?

Hmmm. How to transport my perfume seduction message across the courtyard of my building? It’s 30 Feet wide ! ©Sarah Colton
What the hell kind of question is that? Of course, we can ! But first we had a little chat with our sister and mentor, Eve, whose wisdom and trickery has survived centuries of plague, calumny, and misfortune. EVE was categoric: “Use GOURMANDS.”

More than just the smell of chocolate, vanilla, caramel…, gourmand fragrances conjure memories, longing, hunger, pleasure….”.
More specifically, Eve recommended Angel by Thierry Mugler (1992) and Angel’s young protégé, Dark by AKRO (2018), both created by master perfumer Olivier Cresp.

Angel by Thierry Mugler created by Olivier Cresp in 1992 ©Sarah Colton

AKRO Dark created by Olivier Cresp in 2018 ©Sarah Colton
Bad Girls Perfume tested Angel and Dark on people 30 feet away –across the daunting and treacherous back courtyard of a 5th-Floor Paris apartment building.
Disclaimer: It’s true that at 30 Feet, Eve advised the addition of a tiny bit of Bad Girls trickery to….you know….. DELIVER !
The STUNNING and surprising results of this daring feat are of Biblical proportions, as documented in the video above.

SPOILER ALERT ! At 30 Feet, this Parisian Bad Girl concocted her own bit of original Bad Girls Perfume trickery to ensure successful DELIVERY of her perfume seduction message. ©Sarah Colton
About Gourmands
“…Gourmand fragrances typically contain significant edible or food smelling notes such as vanilla, candy, tonka beans, honey, chocolate, caramel, fruit, berries, cinnamon, cupcakes, whiskey, sugared almond and marzipan, even cotton candy or coffee. The French term “Gourmand” is often used to refer to a person with a sweet tooth.” (Source: Bad Girls Perfume Tips and Tales page 166.)

Gourmand Fragrances– Be sure to keep them close at hand in your baking cupboard for when you need them — “Sugar ‘n’ spice ‘n’ everything nice “. ©Sarah Colton
“…An entire population of Bad Girls, in particular Bad Girl Gold Diggers [SCOOP : MIchelyn Camen, founder and managing editor of , admits to falling into this category] swears by the age-old adage that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and depends on “gourmand” fragrances to get the job done. These Bad girls claim that nothing is more appetizing for a gentlemen of means than a fresh and saucy Bad Girl babe served up in tasty layers of mouth watering, fruity, cotton-candy, or chocolate gourmand fragrance notes…” (Source : Bad Girls Perfume Tips and Tales Page 80.)
“…As the first “gourmand” fragrance, created in 1992, Thierry Mugler’s Angel was both ground breaking and earth shaking in its now iconic blue star-shaped and refillable bottle. Many users claim that Angel is impossible to resist, and a few go as far as to say it’s addictive. In any event, no one has requested a “low calorie” version of this oriental vanilla seductress…” (Source : Bad Girls Perfume Tips and Tales Page 80.)

Angel by Theirry Mugler Created by Olivier Cresp in 1992. Gift Set. (See FRAGRANCE GIVE-AWAYS below) ©Sarah Colton
Contacted for this piece, master perfumer Olivier Cresp had this to say. ” When I created ANGEL for Thierry Mugler, I had a deep feeling that it was going to be a huge worldwide success. I only realized afterwards that I had created the ‘gourmand’ family of fragrances. I hope you like it ! “
Like it ! Like it ! Hello, and bonjour ! Bad Girls and Boys around the planet LOVE Angel, and have made it a cult fragrance. Indeed, Angel, La Doyenne of Gourmands – literally founded an entire family of fragrances, and remains a best seller to this day, right up there with Chanel No.5, Opium, and the likes..
AKRO, a relatively new fragrance brand is all about obsessions. Created in 2018 by Olivier Cresp in partnership with his daughter, it’s not surprising that a chocolate fragrance called Dark would be one of AKRO’s best sellers.

Olivier Cresp and his brand, AKRO, at the Jovoy Paris spring 2020 press launch/birthday/yacht party just days before Covid-19 lock down. ©Sarah Colton
The success of Dark may also have to do with the fact that Olivier brought the same talent he used in the creation of Angel to the creation of DARK. Suffice to say, Olivier Cresp knows more than a thing or two about gourmand fragrances. When contacted for a comment, Olivier told my Bad Girls, “For DARK, in addition to chocolate, I included some cinnamon bark, and a hint of hazel nut. I also added traces of OUD in order to make it mysterious and more addictive.” Uh, huh!

Ah, the sights, sounds, and smells of Paris and AKRO Dark. Olivier Cresp with his brand at the Jovoy Birthday yacht party/Press Day in Paris early this spring. ©Sarah Colton
FYI – for all you Olivier Cresp fans and groupies. Because of his contributions to the art of perfume, Olivier is a Chevalier de L’Ordre des Arts et des Metiers. The equivalent of a British knighthood, the award’s purpose is the recognition of significant contributions to the arts, literature, or their propagation….. For more details, check out the full story in my article in Beauty Fashion Magazine.

Left to Right at the 2012 presentation ceremony: IFF’s Dominique Ropion, Takasago’s Françoise Caron and Firmenich’s Olivier Cresp join Givaudan’s Daniela Andrier, Symrise’s Maurice Roucel and Frédéric Mitterrand, the French Minister of Culture and Communication. ©Sarah Colton
From a retailing point of view, Bad Girls Perfume got a tip-off from François Hénin, owner of Jovoy Parfums Rares in Paris, who said, “People seem to have a thing these days about gourmand fragrances, especially chocolates. Maybe we’ve been confined too long, and need bites of mouth-watering treats to lift our spirits. In any event, Dark by AKRO is flying off our shelves these days for people who want the sensation of chocolate without the side effect of binge eating it.”

François Hénin owner of Jovoy Parfums Rare in Paris, says people are hungry for gourmand fragrances these days, and that AKRO Dark does the trick. (See FRAGRANCE GIVE-AWAYS below) ©Sarah Colton
OMG there’s so much more I could tell you about the power of gourmand fragrances, Bad Girls Perfume Seduction techniques, Angel, Thierry Mugler, AKRO, Dark, Olivier, François, Jovoy….
But there are fragrances and books to be WON.
And I want to hear from YOU !
What do you think of these gourmand fragrances? Had any major 30-foot successes with them? Other gourmands?
If so, tell ALL ! Which ones of course, and most importantly what Bad Girl or Bad BOY tricks did you use to make it all happen ?
Wanna have even more fun and WIN some goodies?
Leave a comment here to qualify to win one of THREE big prizes:
1. From @jovoyparis – a 100 ml bottle of best selling eau de parfum AKRO Dark;
2. From anonymous donor – a 3 piece gift-set of Angel by Thierry Mugler, including a 25ml refillable bottle of eau de parfum, a 10 ml refillable purse spray eau de parfum, and a 50 ml perfumed body lotion;
3. FIVE SIGNED copies of my book, Bad Girls Perfume, full of tips and tales about how to get whatEVER you want through the power of perfume.
INCREASE your chances to win by following me and leaving comments on Instagram and/or LinkedIN @sarahcolton2020, @badgirlsperfume.
ENJOY ! ENJOY ! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts and stories! Meanwhile, stay safe !
Sarah and the Bad Girls

With Gourmand fragrances and just a tiny bit of trickery, savvy Bad Girls and Boys can have their cake and eat it too ! ©Sarah Colton
2 perfume winners and 7 winners of signed copies of Bad Girls Perfume.
THE WINNER of the 100ml @AKRO Dark offered by François Hénin, owner of Jovoy Paris @jovoyparis is: Jon Snow @scentedsnowdrops
THE WINNER of the 3 piece @ThierryMugler Angel gift set is Carl @FragranceTwentyEight
THE 7 WINNERS of signed copies of my book, Bad Girls Perfume are:
1. @Gunmetal24
2. @fabtrends_miya
3.Beth Austin
5. @Dave Woodard
6. @LouduBessey
7. @seb.montp
Please send email me your mailing address and I will arrange to have your prizes mailed to you ASAP.
Thanks to ALL of you who participated and to François Hénin @francoisheninjovoy owner of @jovoyparis for the generous giveaway.
I’m truly heartened by the enthusiastic and creative vibes coming from all of you, and have renewed confidence that with the right combination of perfumes and Bad Girls and Bad Boys cunning, we can SAFELY deal with all the challenges that Covid 19 presents us, and still carry out our most cherished perfume seduction strategies.
xxx Sarah and the Bad Girls.
Leave a Comment
This was such a great read and video. So satisfying, oh this Bad Girl is full of wit and charm. Gourmands sure do the trick everytime. Gourmands are one of my top favourite Fragrance Family. I’m so curious about Dark, I’ve some Angel Muse sample but not this Angel☺️. Thank you so much for sharing. This Bad Girl is ready for action. Have a great scented week♥️
Hi Miya, Thanks so much for the VERY FIRST comment on this post. And glad you like it. I had such a good time doing this. I love combining video and text so people can have a quick look if they want, and go deeper if they have time or interest. Also,experimenting with doing the trailer on social media and the longer than my usual 1 minute video on this post. Up for ideas about what people like best. Currently wearing Angel on my left wrist and AKRO Dark on the right. Watch out neighbors! Stay safe, dear Bad Girl friend. xxx Sarah
Hey People, going forward, since you’re such a rich and varied group, I’ve decided to add your social media tags in my responses to your comments, just in case you’d like to find out what your fellow Bad Girls and Bad Boys are saying in the wider community. Share the wealth and ENJOY !
Miya is @fabtrends_miya
Well Sarah, I think baking cakes from we are probably 500miles away? You’d have me knocking at the door 😂 Dark I’m absolutely lost for words how good that is, thats very much top of my list, just it’s a pretty penny at the moment, i think I’m more likely to be seduced then secretly steal her perfume if it was Dark 😂. Angel is a special gourmand my first serious and longest relationship was with a girl who drowned herself in it, beautiful fragrance. Be a difficult choice as to whether I’d run for the hills or still be dragged in smelling it. And man or woman my choice would be Black Opium, that semi gourmand does something incredible to me ❤️ I’ve waffled on probably over the word limit 😂 I need to hurry and read more of the book. Keep being who you are, fabulous lady 🙂
Oh, please knock on my door, Jon. I promise I won’t throw my baking pans at you! Plenty of AKRO Dark to share around here since it’s the gourmand fragrance that seems to ring your chimes these days, and Angel if you dare to revisit your past…. You never know. Perfume has a totally different way of dealing with time… Meanwhile, I’ve got some REAL chocolate brownies from a bakery down the street made with DARK chocolate the way the French do it, and this bakery even puts hazel nuts in them so they are quite similar to the recipe Olivier Cresp used. No oud though, as far as I know. Though still, ADICTIVE. While you’re at it, since you’re clearly an O.C. fan, bring your YSL Black Opium too. I’d love a private tutorial.
Hey, people, Jon is on Instagram @secentedsnowdrops. Check him out.
Thanks you didn’t need to shout me out 🙊 lovely lady. And oh yes a big fan of the man, and them brownies sound devine, the wonderful French folk do chocolate so so well 😍
And a huge thank you 🙂 ill be sure to spray a few for your good self ❤️ and I’ll have to find a stick to beat off the crowds of noses after me 😂
That was a really fun video! There’s nothing like the smell of baking goods. I own some niche gourmands but most do not project very far (by design). A gourmand i own that has further projection would be Mugler Pure Havane. It has a fairly wide scent bubble. To reach wider, the best spot is to spray on top of your hands so the scent distributes as you walk around. I have short hair, so in theory spraying on longer hair would help distribute the scent but I will never know haha. Thank you for the giveaway. And I’ve smelt Angel but haven’t worn it. I also used to own A-Men but it didn’t seem to project alot, great scent though.
Hi Gunmetal24, Glad you liked the video. Interesting what you said in your Instagram post about gourmand fragrances not projecting as much in general because their molecules are heavier. Hadn’t even thought about that when I decide get a little projection umph from a room fan. Haha. Sure did work, as you saw the video — , maybe TOO well ! In any event, when I saw the results it was enough to wake me up from my gourmand perfume reverie….
Definitely going to try Mugler’s A*Men Pure Havane. Love the idea of the fragrance of a Cuban cigar –right under my nose if it’s unlit. From no less than 30 feet, if lit. PLEASE ! Tobacco, honey, vanilla and coco, wafting on a base of patchouli, ciste, amber and Styrax – ummmm! Love the perfumer Jacques Huclier so even more enticed by the idea. He’s based in the US now, so even though he can’t legally travel to Havanna from NYC, he surely caught a wiff coming on a southern breeze from the islands. I’ll gladly follow that one….
Hey perfume lovers, check out Gunmetal on Instagram. @gunmetal24.
SUCH a fun and informative article!!! We all need good tips like these during this uncertain time. Thank you Bad Girl Queen! xoxo
Make my day, Flo. THANKS! Must confess that I get lots of inspiration from your France24 shows, especially “French Connections”. Keep on keeping on. xxx Sarah and the Bad Girls.
Florence’s tag on Instagram is @frenchconnectionsf24
VERY SASSY! Very cute! Very fun ! I want to win the perfumes!!!! Am down to dregs of past ancient bottles!HELP HELP!
Sassy? From You, Marie? Well, that’s a compliment from the chick who WROTE the sassy book. Make my day! Bad Girls and Boys LOVE sassy.
On another note, LOVE your interview in this month’s Rapid River Magazine,[Asheville, NC’s leading art-magazine] July, 2020.) Great questions; wrench-my-heart-out answers.
Marie is on FB @MarieColtonWoodard.
Oh la la‼️ Sarah, so glad to see your website and read about this fab perfume-so these days I am really putting on my strong perfume, so maybe people will social distance from me. Jay always knows when I go out because my scent permeates the house, as I spray myself All over. Even Beau dog raises up from the sofa and he gives me the look of “going out huh?” Anyway, love all the the pics and the Bad Girls info and of course love you❤️❤️ Stay safe and don’t know about 30 ft challenge. Can’t get 6 feet over here‼️
OMG Meg, Whatever you do, DON’T use any of these gourmand fragrances on someone who’s already too close for safety. I guess living at the beach does have its downsides….
Instead, maybe you should try some Comme des Garçon’s “Guerrilla I or II” like I recommended in The 3 foot challenge video as the equivalent of MACE. Haha.
Although, I actually like it now, which probably means I’ve become extremely weird, myself. YIKES. Don’t get too close!!!
You might also want to try what ‘Carl’ on this site and @fragranceTwentyeight on Instagram, suggested in his comment to the 3 Foot Challenge post. According to Carl, “ There’s nothing better than a bad girl fragrance to stop people getting too friendly especially in the super market! I’ve been using Youth Dew – Amber Nude, whilst fiercely pouting!”
We Bad Girls and Boys gotta stick together !
Meanwhile, remember to pout, and don’t hesitate to send an SOS if in spite of all you find yourself in a tight spot and need urgent Bad Girls Perfume care. We can surely airlift you something. Worst case scenario, I’ll put my room fan on HIGH and blast it to you. xxx Stay SAFE! Sarah
How marvelous–the whole film, story, all the fun ideas! Truly, this is super delightful–bringing laughs and smiles at this time. Thanks so much, Sarah, for giving us this to enjoy and have lots of fun! Congratulations! Looking forward to more soon! Felicitations!
Thanks, Liz,
Glad this post and video made you laugh. It’s so important to laugh – even, and perhaps, especially in tough times. In the first place, because laughter feels good, and secondly because when I’m laughing I have a hard time getting lost in really depressing thoughts. Thirdly, for some reason, when I laugh I remember all the details of whatever it is that makes me laugh. So great for teaching and learning – I know you use this in many of your diplomacy and journalism programs and workshops. Fourthly, there’s something about being ridiculously SILLY that takes me to a dimension where the delightful side of absurdity reigns, and I can often find wildly creative solutions and/or stop worrying about things I’ve been unable to resolve with logic – perhaps because most of the time, whatever they are – life, COVID19, you fill in the blank here — they’re completely absurd in the first place. …..OMG. I seem to have come full circle on this….Looking forward to laughing LOTS with you soon, dear Liz. Meanwhile, stay safe and continue all your good works.
Liz is on FB @ElizabethColton or @ElizabethOvertonColton
Thanks so much for making these wonderful videos that bring such joyful laughter and fun. And thanks for your comments about your ideas behind your creating these delightful, good laughter-inspiring video works. Keep up the great work!
I am current reading Bad Girls Perfume so it is very helpful to see the necessary measures in reaching 30 foot! We must get our message across.
I’m at work as I write this, so I may have to use a compact electric hand fan, spritzed with something seductively sweet. Perhaps Shay & Blue – Salt Caramel will work well.
I recently tried Akro – Dark and thought it was absolutely delicious, I would say just as delicious as Mugler – Angel.
Thank you for the amazing article ♥️
Well, Carl. Did your compact electric hand fan perfume seduction strategy work? How big was your fan? Was it noisy? Do you have any photos? If so, send them along with any instructional info, warnings, brand recommendations, etc. and I’ll add them to the post. All in the public interest, of course.
In any event, if I were sharing open space with you and caught a whiff of Shay & Blue – Salt Caramel wafting my way, I’d get myself over to your desk real quick ! There’s something about caramel and salt that really works for me. Especially if it’s around 11h in the morning. Truth be told, fan or no fan, fragrance or no fragrance, I’d probably figure out an excuse to get over to your desk anyway, but that’s another story. Stay BAD! xxx Sarah
Carl is on Instagram @FragranceTwentyEight
I love this comment! I’ll have to take some photos with the hand fan to show you the effects of this incredible technique!
It’s very compact but in an open space it’s most effective.
I’m absolutely over the moon to win this fragrance also, Angel is
an iconic fragrance and I’ve always wanted to own a bottle.
Thank you so much Sarah, I’m still loving the book, it’s making my commute to work most enjoyable ♥️
Loved this fun article with wonderful baking references! Witty and entertaining. I’m an Opium gal, have been for years, people used to ask me if I’d taken the elevator to get to my floor at work that morning … thanks for sharing, Sarah!
Hi Beth, Not at all surprising about you and Opium. It totally suits you. In fact I distinctly remember smelling Opium at a recent AAWE event and thinking, “Ah yes. Beth’s around here somewhere!”
About ELEVATOR perfume seduction strategies, for which you are clearly an expert. Opium leaves a VERY STRONG trail and is quite effective when you’re leading someone on a merry chase and want to make sure they can always find you. Problem is, if you get tired of the game and want to LOSE the other player, you’re in a tight spot with Opium. Not to worry, Bad Girls Perfume has proven strategies for just such emergencies. This one, for example, is extremely simple and works every time. What you need to do is take the elevator to the wrong floor – a story or so ABOVE yours. Walk quickly to the washroom, lock the door, and shower thoroughly. Since it’s Opium, you’ll need to scrub a bit. Throw a rope out the window, anchor it tightly to the WC, and rappel down the building facade to the washroom on your floor. (For quick review of repelling techniques by Maurice Ronet, 20th century Bad Boy heart throb of French “Nouvelle Vague” cinema, refer to Louis Malle’s 1957 film Ascenseur pour l’échafaud ). Quickly apply a totally different fragrance, such as Angel or AKRO Dark, so no one would possible connect the dots, and then slip quietly into your office. Et Voilà !
PS About YSL Opium again: You might enjoy this video interview I did with Pierre Dinand, the man who created the bottle for Opium. Check it out here.
Ha! Love it! I’m going to try it out and see if it works!
Hi Catherine, Glad you’re up for giving it a try. I really don’t think you should have any trouble succeeding with this on your back terrace, since you’ve got plenty of neighbors closer than 30 feet away. I think you’ll be totally fine with nothing but a plate full of goodies and some Angel or AKRO Dark.I bet your neighbor, Elsa, would be happy to help you test it out. Might be more complicated from your front terrace though, since passers-by are two floors down. I’ve consulted with my Bad Girls Perfume experts and they suggest that you use a light-weight fully enclosed room fan (2 feet X 2 feet), and aim it downwards towards the street while simultaneously spraying Angel or AKRO Dark directly in front of the fan. Wait 90 seconds, the time for the fragrances to waft down to street level, then quickly lower your platter of goodies in a basket attached to a string until it dangles a few steps in front of your approaching prey. BTW my Bad Girls LOVED your “Fridgetris” lock-down game on Instagram, and say that since you’ve clearly got plenty of wine and beer on hand, you might want to tuck a bottle and a glass into the basket, as well. Just to be PERFECTLY safe, you might also include a small bottle of Sarah Baker Perfumed “Jazz Hands” gel sanitizers
This is going to be brilliant. Enjoy!
Catherine is on instagram @thecatandthesilverfish
I loved the video, the all page scenario and, above all, I love cooking and Angel (which I used for a long time when I lived in Paris). Time to use it again. And all your tricks because I want all my neighborhood to know I smell good ! THANK YOU Sarah Colton. Such a great perfume adviser !
Hi Mathieu, Since you and Catherine Villeminot have similar situations regarding the proximity of your neighbors, I suggest that you consult with her about how to absolutely ensure success for a 30 foot gourmand fragrance seduction strategy. Perhaps, you might even decide to work as a duo. Ahhh, partners in crime! How lovely. And with such a great pair of Bad Girl and Bad Boy minds working together, WHO knows what you might come up with !? OMG, now that I think of it, and if my memory holds true, in addition to other terrace furniture, you also keep your bicycle on your terrace. Correct? PERFECT. What if you lower the bike to the street with you on it, as well as the basket of goodies – sweets, Angel,AKRO Dark, wine/beer, Sarah Baker Jazz hands gel, masks, etc.. Just think. You could then propose a GOURMAND FRAGRANCE MOON-LIT BIKE RIDE THROUGH THE STREETS OF MONTREAL® — to your now swooning love object. WHO could possibly resist ? This is Definity a job for TWO, since you and Catherine would need to take turns – one on the bike and the other on the balcony to hold the fan and the string. Oh, yes, and to insure proper social distancing, you might want to invest in a side-car for you bike. Enjoy Enjoy enjoy! and please send pictures.
Mathieu Samaille is on instagram @seb.montp
Amazing! Such a fun video to bring levity to these extraordinary times. Bravo Sarah Colton!
Hi Elisabeth. Glad you like the video. I had a great time making it which I hope is obvious to the viewer. For me it’s important to bring levity and laughter to these times, even, and especially, when life can seem totally weird and out of control. There’s something about laughter, nonsense, and silliness which, while not denying or ignoring the seriousness or realness of a situation, can allow us to experience it from an altered perspective — even for only a moment. It also FEELS great. Perfume does the same thing. We spritz it on and it instantly transports us to a heightened imaginative dimension where we can live amazing experiences. While we’re there, and even after the effects wears off, we are still ‘ourselves’ with all our faculties intact, and perhaps, enhanced. All very positive for dealing with the ‘real’ world.
Stay safe, my friend. Laugh a lot and wear a lot of perfume. A LOT !
Elisabeth is on Instagram @sublime_terroir